Thursday, August 23, 2007

What Mothers Do: Especially When It Looks Like Nothing

This book is available in the Virtual Shop at:

If you have read it, please leave your comments here.


Anonymous said...

A great read for mothers who may find trouble adjusting between the roles of career woman and stay-at-home mum. If you have ever said 'I don't work' or 'I'm just at home' read this book!

Alison Blenkinsop said...

This is a must-read for any expectant or new mother, but also for everyone else. It made me realise how very undervalued motherhood is, especially in developed countries where so much emphasis is placed on paid employment. Mothers work so hard caring for their children, but few people notice except when things go wrong. Now I regularly give a word of affirmation and encouragement to parents of small children, often total strangers in the supermarket, and enjoy getting a surprised and grateful response.
Alison Blenkinsop
author of Fit to Bust