Your membership fees provide a vital source of income to fund our work.
We keep you informed on our work and infant feeding issues through our Update newsletter. A printed version is sent through the post about every 6 months. You can opt to receive email alerts when it is posted onto the website as well or instead of receiving the printed version. Sign up for alerts and we will send you an email whenever there are significant developments.

When you first join you receive a membership pack, containing past newsletters and campaign materials.
We value all the support we receive from the public, whether it is writing letters, spreading the word, campaigning on the boycott or supporting our work financially.
Financial support is essential. We operate on a small budget, achieving amazing things, such as the recent crack down on illegal claims on formula labels in the UK and international attention to the industry's attack on regulations in the Philippines.
A few pounds will enable us to copy our Campaign for Ethical Marketing action sheet for a stall or distribute copies of our Hard Sell Formula pamphlet.
It is an unequal struggle, shown by the fact that one company is spending £3 million promoting its baby formula in a UK campaign. We are already working to expose misleading messages, to monitor and to call it to account. In the Philippines the companies called in the US Chamber of Commerce to threaten the President with loss of investment and have tried to get the representatives for UNICEF and WHO sacked for speaking out in favour of strong regulations.
Writing on the Philippines case, George Monbiot described Baby Milk Action as "one of the world's most impressive public health campaigns." See:,,2095675,00.html
We owe much of our impact to our members, so please join if you have not done so already. Whether your interest is the international situation or the UK, whether you are breastfeeding or using formula, supporting our work will help to improve the protection for mothers and babies.
Annual membership is just £18 waged, £7 unwaged and £25 family (there was a small increase in waged and family rates in September 2007, the first time since 1996). It is up to you how you classify your membership. We trust you. You can also pay a regular amount by standing order incorporating your annual membership if you wish. Contact us and we will send you details.
If you are already a member of Baby Milk Action feel free to leave your comments on why you think it is important to support the campaign in this way or give feedback on our membership support.
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